Attendance & Payroll Management System
Attendance & Payroll Management System - SMS - Cloud Ready

Fingerprint Attendance Kiosk with Photo
- In this Attendance & Payroll Management System, once the employee, clocks-in/clocks-out with the biometric scanner, attendance is registered with IN time & Photo of the employee as shown in the picture. ...

Attendance SMS
- Immediately an SMS will be sent to the reporting manager.

Clock in
Clock Out
Cloud Attendance Reports
- If Cloud enabled, any branch office data/reports can be viewed in the Head office at any time & elsewhere.
IN Time Report
Duration Report
Integrated Payroll with Fingerprint Attendance
- If Payroll software is integrated, It automatically calculates the salary based on the daily or monthly attendance of all employees.
- Equipped with facilities like holiday & bonus management, user wise access rights, automatic salary computation, an intimation of salary & attendance through SMS, salary slip over mail, etc.
Automatic Salary computation
Attendance Overriding
Integrated Options : Payroll + Fingerprint Attendance


- Remote Location employee attendance tracking.
- SMS sent to reporting Manager.
- Duration, Late-In, Early-Exit reports.
- No long queues - Multiple biometric scanners can be added on available USB ports.
- Fingerprint Kiosk - can manage 1 to 7 queues.
- Suitable for Orgs spanning multiple locations (Org, Country, State, District, Location)
- Payroll Integration - Staff profile pushed to the Attendance management system, Attendance Info ( Check-in, Check-out time ) pulled from the attendance endpoint.
AMS - One of the biggest benefits of biometrics for attendance and timekeeping in a business where employees will be unable to clock in for another person (Proxy attendance not possible).
- Effectively manages the overall business operations.
- Increased employee productivity.